List of Pokémon (320–386)

Pokémon has 646 (as of Pokémon Black and White) distinctive fictional species classified as the titular Pokémon. These creatures and entities reside throughout various locations of the fictional Pokémon universe and can be caught by humans designated as Pokémon Trainers often using devices called Poké Balls. These trainers use Pokémon for a variety of purposes, like being used as pets and loyal companions and/or being pitted against other trained (or wild) Pokémon in competitive Pokémon battles. Pokémon are potentially super-powered creatures that can employ a variety of talents like generating fire or heat, martial arts, telekinesis and so on. Through age and experience many of these species undergo a metamorphosis and transform into a similar but stronger species in a process referred to as Pokémon evolution.

This is a selected listing of sixty-seven of the Pokémon species, arranged as they are in the main game series' National Pokédex.



Number: 320 Type: Water Evolves from: None Evolves into: Wailord

Wailmer (ホエルコ?, Hoeruko in original Japanese language versions) was one of the "preview" Pokémon to the third generation of games, cards, and anime, having been released before the official release of the GBA versions. [1]

The name Wailmer is derived from the words whale, wail, mer (the French word for sea), and possibly toddler, due to its playful, childlike demeanor. Its Japanese name, Hoeruko, is derived from the Japanese transliteration of the English word whale (ホエール hoēru?) and the Japanese words for to cry (吼える hoeru?) and child ( ko?). Unlike an actual whale, a Wailmer will spout water from its nose instead of a blowhole on its head. Wailmer will often land on beaches during sunny days and bounce around like a beach ball.[2]


Number: 321 Type: Water Evolves from: Wailmer Evolves into: None

Wailord (ホエルオー Hoeruō?, Whaloh in original Japanese language versions) is a whale Pokémon, and the largest of all known Pokémon species. Living in the vast oceans of the Pokémon world, Wailord swims languorously in pods of about four members or more, often at the surface so it can breathe through its upper nostrils. With huge mouths these Pokémon can eat massive amounts of undersea food, such as krill, in a single gulp. When chasing somewhat larger prey, Wailord herd them by leaping out of the water and making humongous splashes in what is often described as a breathtaking display. If a Wailord inhales to the maximum capacity of its gigantic lungs, it is able to dive close to 10,000 feet below the surface. Optionally by puffing itself up, it can float high on the ocean surface or beach on a shoreline if it wishes. Despite being the largest Pokémon known, it's only the tenth heaviest. Wailord is said to be unable to fit in a Poké Ball and is too big to be captured by a Ranger Styler. There are no known cases (with the exception of the trainer game series) of a caught Wailord. In the game Pokémon Ranger, a Wailord helps you cross the sea after rescuing it. In the manga, a Wailord helps Sapphire travel across the sea.


Number: 322 Type: Fire/ Ground Evolves from: None Evolves into: Camerupt

Numel (ドンメル Donmeru?, Donmel in original Japanese language versions) is a slow-witted Fire-type Pokémon that resembles a dromedary (a one-humped camel). Numel stores magma of almost 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit within its hump. If it gets wet, the magma cools and hardens, making it sluggish and heavy. Like Slowpoke and Slowbro of the first generation, Numel is extremely slow-witted, so much so that it won't react to being hit. However, a Numel will readily react to being hungry. Despite its lack of intelligence, Numels are hardy Pokémon often used as pack mules (as they can transport 220-pound loads of anything).

Numel holds the distinction of being the only Pokémon whose two abilities are different from the two abilities of its evolved form (Numel has Oblivious and Simple abilities whereas Camerupt has Magma Armor and Solid Rock abilities).


Number: 323 Type: Fire/ Ground Evolves from: Numel Evolves into: None

Camerupt (バクーダ Bakūda?, Bakuuda in original Japanese language versions) is the evolution of Numel. A Camerupt is very similar in physiology to a Bactrian camel. However, instead of the usual humps on its back, it has volcanoes (the female has larger volcanoes on its back than the males), which are formed from its bones. Camerupt's body contains large amounts of molten lava, which was thought to only erupt out of its back once every 10 years, but the eruptions are more frequent if a Camerupt is angered. Much like real camels, Camerupt are usually placid, but may be very stubborn and bad tempered and will become violent if hit in the face.

Much like Numel, Camerupt also holds the distinction of being the only Pokémon to not have the same abilities as its pre-evolved form (Camerupt has Magma Armor and Solid Rock abilities, while Numel has Oblivious and Simple). Camerupt is the only Pokémon that is not a Rock-type that learns the move "Rock Slide" by leveling up.


Number: 324 Type: Fire Does not evolve

Torkoal (コータス Kōtasu?, Cotoise in original Japanese language versions) is a Pokémon that is, in essence, a tortoise with a built-in furnace. It exhales an omnipresent cloud of smoke through its nostrils and through holes in its body and has a dark gray stone shell. It also consumes coal and will search through whole mountains to find it. If attacked, this Pokémon spouts thick black smoke in order to retreat. If this is not possible, this Pokémon needs more coal for energy. When emitting smoke from its nostrils, a Torkoal will let out a bellow that sounds similar to a locomotive's whistle.

In the anime, Ash and friends help protect a Torkoal from the guardian of the place which consists of a Steelix. After saving it, Ash captures it. His Torkoal displays a large amount of affection for him and usually starts crying at random moments since it has low self esteem and usually does everything wrong, like diving into the ocean. Upon his return to Kanto to participate in the Battle Frontier, Ash left Torkoal and Glalie with Professor Oak.


Number: 325 Type: Psychic Evolves from: None Evolves into: Grumpig

Spoink (バネブー Banebū?, Baneboo in original Japanese language versions) is a pig-like Pokémon that leads a bizarre, fragile existence. It possess no hind legs and motion is achieved by bouncing on its spring-like tail, which it needs to do to live, as the constant bouncing is the only way it can keep its heart beating (so it can never stop bouncing, even if it's asleep). If a Spoink ever stops bouncing, it will instantly die of cardiac arrest. The ball on a Spoink's head is actually a pearl from a Clamperl, which it not only needs to amplify its psychic powers, but also needs to live, and will desperately search for anything round as a replacement should its pearl end up lost. A Spoink's psychic powers are dependent on the size of the Clamperl pearl. The bigger the pearl, the stronger a Spoink's powers. The anime has not shown a Spoink dying because it stopped bouncing or didn't have its Clamperl pearl (but it has been implied that a Spoink will become extremely weak without the Clamperl pearl).


Number: 326 Type: Psychic Evolves from: Spoink Evolves into: None

Grumpig (ブーピッグ Būpiggu?, Boopig in original Japanese language versions), known as the Manipulate Pokémon, is a swine-like Pokémon that wields powerful psychic powers. It uses the valuable black pearls on its body to harness and amplify its psychic powers. It can gain control over the movements and actions of its foes by expulsing psychic waves upon them, hence its designation as the Manipulate Pokémon. It appears to grow tired as it does this; its nose-snorting grows loud and labored. It dances bizarrely when using its psychic energy. Its style of dancing is hugely popular in many foreign countries and its black pearls on its head are considered valuable jewels. It is also capable of bouncing extraordinary heights with its spring-like tail, which it inherited from its younger evolutionary stage, Spoink.


Number: 327 Type: Normal Does not evolve

Spinda (パッチール Patchīru?, Patcheel in original Japanese language versions) is a Spot Panda Pokémon with swirls in its eyes and spots on its fur. Spinda's spots are determined by its personality value, meaning that there can be exactly 4,294,967,296 different variations of Spinda (Double that, if you consider the shiny variations). No Spinda is the same as another, as all Spinda have different spots and spin patterns on their head and torso.[3] Spinda resembles a small, upward standing rabbit- or bear-like creature, with a small body similar to that of Plusle or Minun. Spinda have the odd habit of staggering around when they walk.[4] This makes them appear dizzy, but they are not. The teetering walk helps to confuse enemies and potential predators, messing up their aim.[3]

In the anime, Ash and friends had to help a girl named Claire find a Spinda with a heart-shaped spot on its forehead. Brock, meanwhile, kept picking one up with a broken heart-shaped spot, to his displeasure. In the Pokémon Adventures manga, Norman has a Spinda. He uses it in conjunction with his Slaking to switch their abilities with Skill Swap.

In an interview, Junichi Masuda noted Spinda as a favorite Pokémon of his due to its "well thought out" design. He noted that in order to make each Spinda have a different design, much planning and discussion had to be done to make it feasible in game.[5]


Number: 328 Type: Ground Evolves from: None Evolves into: Vibrava

Trapinch (ナックラー Nakkurā?, Nuckrar in original Japanese language versions) is found in the desert. Its nest is a sloped, bowl-like pit dug in sand. It patiently waits for prey to tumble down the pit, where it attacks with its jaws with the strength to crush even boulders. It can wait for long periods of time, as it can go without water for a week. It has a large heavy head, that makes it hard to get up if it falls on its back. Trapinch evolves into Vibrava at level 35.

Trapinch's main weapon is its jaws, which can crush boulders. Trapinch are also known for their digging skills. In addition, Trapinch has an ability known as Arena Trap, preventing the escape of Pokémon and Trainer alike.


Number: 329 Type: Ground/ Dragon Evolves from: Trapinch Evolves into: Flygon

Vibrava (ビブラーバ Biburāba?) vibrate their wings incredibly fast, generating ultrasonic waves. These waves are potent enough to cause prey to faint. They will then devour their prey after spraying their hides with acid to decompose the body for easier digestion. The ultrasonic waves they create can also cause headaches in humans. As their wings are not fully developed, they instead use them for the purpose of stunning foes and prey. They can still fly short distances, however, and learn the HM Fly.


Number: 330 Type: Ground/ Dragon Evolves from: Vibrava Evolves into: None

Flygon (フライゴン Furaigon?), the Mystic Pokémon, has its natural habitat in the desert, across which it flies. Flygon's wings kick up a cloud of dust and sand each time they flap, so that whenever Flygon moves, it is surrounded by a constant sandstorm. This provides Flygon with a useful cover from enemies and other unwanted visitors who lose themselves in the dust cloud, while Flygon itself maintains perfect vision thanks to red covers that shield its eyes from the storm. But it is at a disadvantage in the jungle because the trees are so close together they cover almost the entire floor of the jungle from a bird's-eye view. It whips up sandstorms with powerful flaps of its wings. It is known as "The Desert Spirit." [6] When inside a Flygon-created sandstorm, the only thing one is aware of is the melodious sound of Flygon's wings, which can resemble the notes of a song. Because of this, and the Pokédex related cry, it is thought that perhaps Flygon has the ability to buzz its wings at a rapid pace to create a melody.


Number: 331 Type: Grass Evolves from: None Evolves into: Cacturne

Cacnea (サボネア?, Sabonea in original Japanese language versions) prefers to live in harsh, arid locations, such as deserts. Cacnea live in or right next to bushes that are in the desert. The more arid and harsh the environment, the more pretty and fragrant type of flower a Cacnea can grow. It can survive for 30 days on water stored in its body. Cacnea releases a strong aroma from its flower to attract prey. When prey comes near, Cacnea shoots sharp thorns from its body to bring the victim down. This Pokémon battles by wildly swinging its thorny arms.

In the anime, the most notable Cacnea is James's. He obtained it in the very episode in which his Weezing, along with Jessie's Arbok, was released. Cacnea is rather fond of James . However, when it attempts to express his fondness of James through hugging him, his numerous spikes injure James. Cacnea is the replacement in his party, for his former grass type Pokémon, Victreebel. Jessie sometimes uses Cacnea in Pokémon Contests, but often falls victim to its spikes, ala James. James's Cacnea was recently given to Gardenia, who felt Cacnea wasn't living up to its full potential.


Number: 332 Type: Grass/ Dark Evolves from: Cacnea Evolves into: None

Cacturne (ノクタス Nokutasu?, Noctus in original Japanese language versions) is a Pokémon of low metabolism that spends the day standing completely still, so that it will not lose any moisture from the scorching sun of the desert. At night, in low temperatures, Cacturne will group together and slowly follow any humans that are walking through the desert. When the fatigued human finally stops walking, the Cacturne will attack, absorbing moisture and fluids from the prey's body. After living in the desert for several millennia, new generations of Cacturne have had their blood transformed into the same substances as sand. Cacturne are naturally immune to sandstorms, and will not be damaged by the Sandstorm attack.

In the anime, May's rival Harley, who dresses like a Cacturne, has a Cacturne as his signature Pokémon, skilled at creatively using attacks like Cotton Spore, Bullet Seed and Pin Missile to both terrify and impress the audience and judges in Contests. When Harley once met with Team Rocket, his Cacturne was instantly attracted to Jessie and hugged her, accidentally sticking her with its spines.


Number: 333 Type: Normal/ Flying Evolves from: None Evolves into: Altaria

Swablu (チルット Chirutto?, Tyltto in original Japanese language versions) has light and fluffy wings that are like cottony clouds. This Pokémon is not frightened of people. It lands on the heads of people and sits there like a cotton-fluff hat. It loves to make things clean and to this end, if it spots anything dirty, it will wipe and polish it with its cottony wings. If these wings become dirty, it will find a stream to shower itself. After enduring winter, in which little food is available, Swablu flocks move closer to towns in the spring.


Number: 334 Type: Dragon/ Flying Evolves from: Swablu Evolves into: None

Altaria (チルタリス Chirutarisu?, Tyltalis in original Japanese language versions) is a blue birdlike Pokémon with wings surrounded by cotton clouds.It carries a highly refined set of vocal cords for a Pokémon. It sings and trills beautiful melodies (which has been described as a gorgeous soprano) in its crystal-clear voice as its pastime in the mountains, making its listeners experience dreamy wonderment. Altaria also carries a flame sac within its body, which it uses to launches intensely hot fireballs from its mouth in self defense from attackers. During migration, Altaria wheels through the sky among billowing, cotton-like clouds, supported by aerial updrafts in the sky that it catches with its buoyant wings in order to soar.


Number: 335 Type: Normal Does not evolve

Zangoose (ザングース Zangūsu?) is a Pokémon that resembles a mix between a mongoose and a cat (it's described as a "Cat Ferret" on the Pokédex because it is not only based on both, but the Japanese translation for these words also comes out to "mongoose"). Although a quadruped, it can easily stand on two feet when angered in battle. Zangoose's main means of defense are its agility and its sharp claws. Its speed is matched only by Scyther's. Many of the attacks a Zangoose learns naturally involve the use of its claws.

The characteristic a Zangoose is most famous for is its long-standing blood feud with Seviper (similar to that of a mongoose and a king cobra, despite that Seviper does not look like a king cobra). The hatred a Zangoose has for a Seviper has been around for so long, it's become instinct. Despite this, a Zangoose and a Seviper are both in the Ground egg group in the video games, meaning that they can breed together.

The Zangoose is a big, white, catlike creature with huge claws—purple or black, depending on the artist—and long, rabbit-like ears. Its fur is a milk white color—except for the red, scar-like markings on its face, chest, and forelegs. In the video games, it can be caught in Pokémon Ruby Version but not in Pokémon Sapphire Version.


Number: 336 Type: Poison Does not evolve

Seviper (ハブネーク Habunēku?, Habunake in original Japanese language versions) is fairly large snake Pokémon that is usually depicted scrunched up like an accordion. It is mostly black in color, but has several markings on its body. Seviper has yellow hexagon markings that run from its head to their tail, small yellow bumps where they touch the ground to help with movement and various purple marks that resemble scars (which serve as a reminder of its long-running feud with Zangoose). Seviper has several different weapons it can use in battle, such as elongated red fangs that protrude from the mouth and a bladed tail with which it can use to swipe or stab. Prior to Generation IV, Seviper is the only known Pokémon that learns Poison Tail through leveling up. Trainer's Choice (a hook around a commercial break) in the Pokémon Anime, it was stated that Arbok evolves into Seviper, this is not in the game or other canon work.

Seviper is forever the sworn enemy of Zangoose, and will fight it until the bitter end. A Seviper will counter against a Zangoose's agility with its sword-like tail, which carries a poisonous substance used to dispatch its enemies. Seviper holds the distinction of being the only pure Poison-type to not have an evolutionary relative in the videogame, and one of two Poison-types in total to not have an evolutionary relative (Qwilfish [a Water/Poison type] is the other). It can only be caught in Pokémon Sapphire.


Number: 337 Type: Rock/ Psychic Does not evolve

Lunatone (ルナトーン Runatōn?) is a floating, sentient meteorite in the iconic shape of a crescent moon. Its body is a stone-like beige color, and it has two large, intimidating eyes, one on either side. It also has a quite odd, beak-like protuberance in the middle of the crescent.

Lunatone was first discovered forty years ago in Meteor Falls, a cave in Hoenn, its only known habitat. Meteor Falls, as its name suggests, is full of meteorites and the craters left by them as they impacted the planet's surface, suggesting Lunatone (and Solrock) as partners, have their origins in outer space. Lunatone is greatly connected to the moon, and its vitality is dependent on the lunar cycle. Lunatone's power and activity is greatest during the full moon, and weakest during the day and when the moon is unseen. Anyone who looks at its glowing red eyes is said to become transfixed with fear. In the Gameboy Advance Systems, it is only found in Pokémon Sapphire Version.


Number: 338 Type: Rock/ Psychic Does not evolve

Solrock (ソルロック Sorurokku?) resembles a large orange spherical rock with yellow outgrowths all around its body and a pair of flat, textured eyes. The appearance of the Pokémon is the iconic shape of the sun.

Solrock, apparently a meteorite whose origins appear to be from outer space, is expressionless, yet is somewhat sentient. It was discovered along with Lunatone in Meteor Falls, a site where a rain of meteorites impacted the ground. The Pokémon’s solar connections are apparent in battle: It absorbs solar power during the day and unleashes the sunlight as a concentrated beam of energy as its main weapon (compare with Venusaur). Because it also carries Psychic powers, Solrock can sense what its foes are thinking. Solrock and Lunatone are counterparts; Lunatone represents the moon and Solrock represents the sun.

GamesRadar ranked Solrock second on their list of "Five Unintentionally Scary Pokémon", noting it has immobilizing fear with the black lines around its eyes resembling mascara.[7]


Number: 339 Type: Water/ Ground Evolves from: None Evolves into: Whiscash

Barboach (ドジョッチ Dojotchi?, Dojoach in original Japanese language versions) lives in muddy areas of riverbeds. It probes this mud with its whiskers before deciding where to bury itself underneath the level of the mud, so that it remains motionless while its top whiskers are poking above the surface. The whiskers act as a superb radar system in this position, for Barboach detects its prey in the area using its whiskers to sense disturbances in the air.

Barboach’s body is covered with a slimy film, which is an important measure of discouraging both bacteria and predators from targeting Barboach. Whenever Barboach is partially submerged in mud, the film functions as a barrier to prevent germs in the mud from entering Barboach’s otherwise thin, unprotected body. Also, if a predator attempts to grab it, the Pokémon effortlessly slips out of its grasp as if it were a bar of wet, flexible soap like the real world Hagfish. It would seem that Barboach’s body depends on keeping its slimy coating layer thick and fluid with the influence of muddy water because the Pokémon’s body weakens if the coating dries up.


Number: 340 Type: Water/ Ground Evolves from: Barboach Evolves into: None

Whiscash (ナマズン?, Namazun in original Japanese language versions) is a catfish-like Pokémon. It has a dark-blue body, large round eyes, and thick light-blue lips, which usually form a smile. Attached on both cheeks are two long, yellow whiskers, which is why the Pokédex describes them as "Whiskers Pokémon". In its shiny version, Whiscash' belly and whiskers have turned dark red, and its body black.[8]

Despite its amusing appearance, Whiscash is an extremely violent and territorial Pokémon. It makes its nest at the bottom of ponds and hordes gold in a dragon like way[9] or swamps,[10] where it sleeps throughout the day. At night, it awakes, after which it will eat continually. Whiscash will easily claim a large pond or swamp as its exclusive territory.[11] If an intruder approaches it, Whiscash will thrash about, triggering massive earthquakes with a radius of over three miles.[9] Whiscash also has the ability to predict real earthquakes.[12]

Whishcash, Namazun in the Japanese games, is clearly based upon the Namazu ("catfish") in Japanese mythology. The creature lives in the mud beneath the earth, and is guarded by the god Kashima, who restrains the creature with a stone. If Kashima lets his guard fall however, Namazu will be set loose and cause earthquakes.

Whiscash has a mark similar to a "W" on its head.

In the spin-off games Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team, and the related TV special Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Team Go-Getters Out Of The Gate!, Whiscash lives in his pond with a waterfall behind it.


Number: 341 Type: Water Evolves from: None Evolves into: Crawdaunt

Corphish (ヘイガニ?, Heigani in original Japanese language versions) is not indigenous to the Hoenn region, but to a landmass overseas (which is unknown). It was introduced to Hoenn as an exotic pet, but the species ended up familiarising itself so much that it now forms part of the local ecosystem. Corphish is a hardy and durable Pokémon; it can thrive almost under any condition.[13] It can make its nest even in polluted water, and it will make a meal out of anything available.

In the Pokémon anime, Corphish is one of the Pokémon that Ash has in his traveling team for the duration of Hoenn and the entire Battle Frontier challenge in Kanto. Corphish is friendly, but does not realize its own strength; it often ends up flinging Ash away while expressing its affection to him. Corphish is also short-tempered, and often tries to instigate a fight when peaceful solutions exist, and also gets jealous when one of Ash's Pokémon evolve, since it wants Ash's attention.


Number: 342 Type: Water/ Dark Evolves from: Corphish Evolves into: None

Crawdaunt (シザリガー Shizarigā?, Shizariger in original Japanese language versions) are tempestuous and destructive creatures; they will challenge other living beings in their territory to battle whenever necessary. They use their claws to throw other Pokémon out of their ponds, causing them to become very desolate areas. Older Crawdaunt usually have many scars on their pincers from the battles in which they prevailed.[14] Crawdaunt sheds its shell regularly; this leaves the exposed body vulnerable to attacks while the new shell is soft. In such a weakened condition, a Crawdaunt usually burrows into the bottom of its pond to avoid attacks from enemy Pokémon.


Number: 343 Type: Ground/ Psychic Evolves from: None Evolves into: Claydol

Baltoy (ヤジロン Yajiron?, Yajilon in original Japanese language versions) is known as the "Clay Doll Pokémon." The first Baltoy seen by humans was discovered in ancient ruins. It moves around by spinning skillfully on its single foot, and is proficient in using Psychic-type moves. Its native habitat is the desert. Baltoy sleeps while balancing on its foot. When seeing other Baltoy, this Pokémon congregates with them and all members of the group begin crying in unison. The reason for the behavior is unknown, but it could be some form of communication. Baltoy lives in the desert on Route 111 with Regirock, Cacnea, Sandshrew, and other Pokémon.


Number: 344 Type: Ground/ Psychic Evolves from: Baltoy Evolves into: None

Claydol (ネンドール Nendōru?, Nendoll in original Japanese language versions) is known as the "Clay Doll Pokémon." It is imbued with a high degree of telekinetic power. It is always using telekinesis to keep itself afloat above the surface of the ground, whether it is traveling, standing still, or even sleeping. Its screw-shaped arms are separate objects that are connected to its body through telekinesis, and they float around Claydol’s body on Claydol’s accord. In battle, it positions its arms out in front and shoots lateral beams at its targets. The species originates from a doll or a statue made of mud and clay by primitive humans—which was then brought to life by exposure to a mysterious ray. Some believe it can control the elements. In the Hoenn region video games, after discovering the Sky Pillar where Rayquza sleeps, Claydol and also Altaria are available in the Hoenn region games. Claydol seems to be based on the Japanese dogu.

IGN editor "Pokémon of the Day Chick" called Claydol "forgettable", due in part to its inability to use its types particularly well, adding that it being "creepy-looking probably doesn't help matters either".[15]


Number: 345 Type: Rock/ Grass Evolves from: None Evolves into: Cradily

Lileep (リリーラ Rirīra?, Lilyla in original Japanese language versions) became extinct approximately 100 million years before the beginning of the series, but due to scientific Advances Learning Center, can be resurrected from their fossils. They are an aquatic carnivorous species; they use their petal-like tentacles to catch slow prey and ingest it whole. Their coloring assists in this, as it resembles harmless seaweed. Although capable of movement, in the wild Lileep choose one location to stake out and stay there. It likely is meant to represent a Crinoid (Sea Lily), possibly providing the source of its name.


Number: 346 Type: Rock/ Grass Evolves from: Lileep Evolves into: None

Cradily (ユレイドル Yureidoru?, Yuradle in original Japanese language versions) has been extinct for 100 million years before the series. It is brought back to life as a Lileep restored from fossils. Cradily is an aquatic creature that makes its nest in the shallows of warm seas. For this reason, when the tide goes out, Cradily can be seen on what are now wet beaches. In a particularly turbulent area of the sea shore, Cradily anchors itself to the sea floor with its heavy, particularly shaped lower body so as to prevent itself from being washed out to sea.

When hunting marine creatures, Cradily makes its way deeper into the ocean, dragging its heavy body along as its body’s anchor-like composition prevents Cradily from floating off the sea floor and to the surface. When Cradily spots its prey, it extends its trunk-like neck and its eight tentacles to ensnare its target, where it uses powerful acid secreted in its tentacles to melt the prey before feeding.


Number: 347 Type: Rock/ Bug Evolves from: None Evolves into: Armaldo

Anorith (アノプス Anopusu?, Anopth in original Japanese language versions) is known as the "Old Shrimp Pokémon." Its many legs have reformed into "wings" along its side that enabled it to swim by undulating them in a fashion similar to a sting ray or trilobite. The forelimbs are claws which it uses to hunt prey. Anorith lived in warm seas millions of years ago. Anorith hunts its prey by stabbing it with its two front claws but, it might also paralyze the target with a blast of energy from its mouth. It bears similarities to, and might have taken part of its name from, Anomalocaris, a prehistoric organism.


Number: 348 Type: Rock/ Bug Evolves from: Anorith Evolves into: None

Armaldo (アーマルド Āmarudo?) was a Pokémon that lived in prehistoric times and became extinct soon afterwards, but it has been reincarnated through fossil-resurrection technology. Armaldo's armor is very tough, making many attacks against it seem to bounce off. The frontal claws are freely extendable and contractible, and the Pokémon can wield enough propulsional force in its claws to punch through a slab of steel. Armaldo prefers land as its residence and the ocean as its hunting ground. The beetle-like back-wings are used for swimming underwater, and its claws are used to skewer its prey before feeding.


Number: 349 Type: Water Evolves from: None Evolves into: Milotic

Feebas (ヒンバス Hinbasu?, Hinbass in original Japanese language versions) is an aquatic Pokémon which can survive in both fresh and salt water thanks to its hardy nature. It prefers best ponds that are filled with weeds. Feebas has an unattractive, shabby appearance and it looks weak and worthless, as its fins are ragged and tattered from the moment of its birth. It is hard to find, but it is an easy Pokémon to catch if encountered since it is slow and dimwitted, but not many people in the Pokémon world take the trouble to capture, study or raise it, as they find it a boring species (similar to the Magikarp from the first generation of Pokémon).

In the Pokémon games, Feebas is an exceptionally rare Pokémon, even in the area where it is found, because it appears only in a handful of randomly determined spots in this area, and these spots will shift daily, or more often, under special circumstances.

Usually Feebas will evolve into a Milotic when its beauty stat is sufficiently high or maxed out, but, as of Generation V, a Feebas holding a Prism Scale will evolve into a Milotic when traded.


Number: 350 Type: Water Evolves from: Feebas Evolves into: None

Milotic (ミロカロス Mirokarosu?, Milokaross in original Japanese language versions) primarily live at the bottom of large lakes, suggesting that they have both lungs and gills. Because they are considered the most beautiful of all Pokémon, they have been depicted in paintings and statues. Milotic have the power to becalm such emotions as anger and hostility to quell bitter feuding. Those that see it are said to forget their combative spirits right away; in particularly strong cases of anger, however, a Milotic’s body can glow a vivid pink and release a pulsing wave of energy that brings soothing calm to the restless spirits of the people and Pokémon involved.

Milotics have the greatest increase of stats when they evolve from a Feebas into a Milotic. Their base stats rise 340.

The evolution of Feebas into Milotic is unique within the Pokémon video games, in that a Feebas will only evolve into Milotic when its Beauty condition is sufficiently high, although in Generation V, a Prism Scale held by a traded Feebas will also produce a Milotic. Many trainers such as Wallace own Milotic in the games.

Trivia: Milotic and Gyarados are rumored to be a counterpart Pokémon in their stats because Milotic has a high Sp.Atk while Gyarados have a high Atk but their pre-evolutions are weak fishes, Feebas and Magikarp but Feebas can learn brreding moves from their parents via Ditto or another Feebas or Milotic so, Feebas is more tough than Magikarp .

Milotic also resembles an Oarfish.


Number: 351 Type: Dependant upon weather: Normal, Fire, Water, or Ice. Does not evolve

Castform (ポワルン Powarun?, Powalen in original Japanese language versions) is a small, rather unique Pokémon that resembles a cloud. It might be used like a satellite dish to sense upcoming weather changes. It is distinct from other Pokémon in that its water-like cellular structure is affected by the weather, to the extent that its type and appearance change in extreme conditions. In intense sunlight, Castform becomes a Fire-type Pokémon that resembles an orange, stylized sun sitting atop a white cloud; in the rain, it becomes a Water-type and looks like a water drop sitting on a gray cloud; and in hail, it turns purple and is encased in a green, tornado-shaped cloud. In all other weather conditions, Castform retains its original typing and appearance. Castform's mood is also influenced by the weather.

Like Porygon's evolutionary line and Mewtwo, Castform is a Pokémon that was created in a laboratory. It was created by the researchers of the Weather Institute in the Hoenn region as an experiment in weather forecast and manipulation. Its man-made nature is reflected in its uniform stats, all of which have a really average value.

GamesRadar named Castform in their list of fugly Pokémon, noting that while they consider it cute, its weird boob-like things hanging of its head are creepy.[16]


Number: 352 Type: Normal Does not evolve

Kecleon (カクレオン?, Kakureon in original Japanese language versions) possesses the ability to change its body coloration at will in order to blend with its surroundings, approaching invisibility. Kecleon puts this stealthy trait to good use when hunting, as it can sneak up on its prey undetected and trap it with its long and stretchy tongue. Kecleon does not have absolute control of its appearance, however: it can never change the color of the zigzag band in the middle of its body, which renders his cloaking useless to any fairly keen observer. Secondly, a Kecleon can involuntarily shift colors based on its emotions, so that a sudden mood swing will change its looks completely. Finally, a Kecleon will revert to its original colors if it is startled. In the video games, Kecleon's unique Color Change ability changes its type to match that of the last damage-dealing attack that hit it.

In the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series, there are two Kecleons who own their items shop and they are known as the Kecleon duo. One has an original color which is initially green and another is purple. Kecleon also maintain stores inside selected dungeons where they are interacted by taking or placing items on the store's platform. Their dungeon stores can be stolen from, but doing so will compel Kecleon to attack and call for reinforcements. They have the lowest recruitment rate of all Pokémon, -33.9% (first series) and -49.5% (its sequel).


Number: 353 Type: Ghost Evolves from: None Evolves into: Banette

Shuppet (カゲボウズ Kagebōzu?, Kagebouzu in original Japanese language versions) are nocturnal entities that feed on feelings of envy, vengeance, malice, and other negative emotions. They are able to capture negative feelings in the atmosphere by channeling them into its horn. The captured energy is used by Shuppet as sustenance, allowing it to grow. At the same time, the projected person feels much better as his negative emotions leave him. These Pokémon are therefore attracted to people who hold negative emotions, and are known to roam cities in the night in search of such grudges. If someone develops especially strong feelings of vengeance, Shuppet can group in a swarm to line up beneath the eaves of that person’s home.


Number: 354 Type: Ghost Evolves from: Shuppet Evolves into: None

Banette (ジュペッタ Jupetta?, Jupetta in original Japanese language versions) are said to come from plush toys that were thrown away, similar to how Grimer and Koffing are formed by industrial waste. Shuppet possesses a discarded doll, growing into and forming Banette. It is also said that Banette live in garbage dumps or back alleys and wander around looking for the children that disposed of them. Each Banette is filled with strong feelings of hate, which it expresses by laying powerful curses. It gains power to cast those curses by sticking pins into its own body, turning itself into a voodoo doll. Banette's weakness lies in that its vital force is artificial, since it is an inanimate object infused with a cursed energy. This energy can be removed and effectively exorcized by forcing its zipper-like mouth open.

In the anime Harley owns a Banette.

IGN editor "Pokémon of the Day Chick" called it the "coolest Ghost type ever", as well as her personal favourite. She added that its concept is cool, stating that "she's a haunted doll; what's not to love?".[17]


Number: 355 Type: Ghost Evolves from: None Evolves into: Dusclops

Duskull (ヨマワル?, Yomawaru in original Japanese language versions) is a nocturnal Pokémon that wanders through darkness.[18] With the abilities to turn invisible and pass through walls, it can easily sneak up on prey and pursue it anywhere. It gives up at sunrise if the chase lasts that long. Stories of the species are told to the misbehaving children by their mothers in the Pokémon world; they are told that they will be spirited away if they receive scoldings from their mothers. In Pokémon Platinum version, Hearthome City's Gym Leader, Fantina, has a Duskull on her team.


Number: 356 Type: Ghost Evolves from: Duskull Evolves into: Dusknoir

Dusclops (サマヨール Samayōru?, Samayouru in original Japanese language versions) is said to be like a black hole: it absorbs matter into its body, through its mouth, never releasing the matter. What happens to the absorbed matter is unknown; theories suggest that inside Dusclops' body is a spectral ball of fire, though it cannot be confirmed. Dusclops also possesses the gift of hypnosis; it can control other conscious beings. It sways the victim into hypnosis by waving its hands and gazing into the victim's eyes.


Number: 357 Type: Grass/Flying Does not evolve

Tropius (トロピウス Toropiusu?) live in the jungles of the southern tropics. It is a 'frugivore', thriving on fruit. It is theorized that Tropius's love of fruit eventually resulted in the species incorporating fruit as part of its very anatomy. It may also be that Tropius eats so much fruit that it gets an excess of vitamins and minerals, so it grows fruit to get rid of excess nutrients. Bunches of banana-like fruit can be seen growing under a Tropius's neck. These fruit are deliciously sweet and particularly popular among the children in south tropical villages, who eat it as snacks. Tropius also has broad leaves on its back, which, if flapped hard enough, can be used as wings, enabling this bulky Pokémon to fly.


Number: 358 Type: Psychic Evolves from: Chingling Evolves into: None

Chimecho (チリーン Chirīn?, Chirean in original Japanese language versions) is known as the "Wind Chime Pokémon." Chimecho's light frame and its psychic powers enable it to freely fly around, especially during the hot season. If a Chimecho wishes to remain in one place for a while, it employs its suction cup to affix itself on trees or the eaves of a building. Chimecho has the distinctive ability to produce a ringing cry, the volume of which is amplified inside its hollow head and comes out as a chiming sound. A Chimecho can produce seven different tones to communicate various messages to its kindred. If threatened, Chimecho can use its cries as a defensive weapon, turning them into ultrasonic waves that knock its foes back. Chimecho can use seven different cries to knock out its prey.


Number: 359 Type: Dark Does not evolve

Absol (アブソル Abusoru?) is known as the "Disaster Pokémon" because it appears before natural disasters such as earthquakes and tidal waves. It lives in the rugged mountains, and only leaves to warn people of natural disasters with its innate ability to sense them through subtle changes in the environment. People often accuse Absol of causing the disasters themselves, resulting in its reputation as a doom-bringer. It generally lives for up to one hundred years. It has a lion or cougar-like appearance and seems to be based on the Bai Ze. In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team and Red Rescue Team, an Absol makes a short appearance in Frosty Forest. IGN editor "Pokémon of the Day Chick" called Absol the "neatest Pokémon design since Umbreon".[19]


Number: 360 Type: Psychic Evolves from: None Evolves into: Wobbuffet

Wynaut (ソーナノ Sōnano?, Sohnano in original Japanese language versions) is the pre-evolved form of Wobbuffet. Wynaut is always seen with a big, happy smile on its face, regardless of what its actual mood is. To determine its real mood Pokémon Trainers must look at a Wynaut's tail. If it can be seen slapping its tail on the ground continuously, it can be presumed that it is in an angry temperament. Wynaut travel in packs, in which the individuals often run into each other to toughen up.[20] The thing that makes Wynaut stand out in front of others is the big bump in front of its head, and the lump moves behind its head when it evolves into Wobbuffet.


Number: 361 Type: Ice Evolves from: None Evolves into: Glalie or Froslass

Snorunt (ユキワラシ?, Yukiwarashi in original Japanese language versions) live in icy dark caves and enjoys crying out to hear its own echo. Its diet consists solely of snow and ice. Old folklore claims a house visited by Snorunt is sure to prosper for many generations to come. It generally moves in groups of five Snorunt, and they hide away during the hot seasons of Summer and Spring. Being an Ice-type, Snorunt can withstand temperatures of up to negative 150 degrees. Also, it has the peculiar ability to make Winter come early. A Snorunt typically evolves into a Glalie at level 42, but if a player uses a Dawn Stone on a female Snorunt, it will evolve into a Froslass.

In the Pokémon anime, Snorunt is Ash Ketchum's fifth Pokémon from the Hoenn region. It has a powerful Ice Beam, though this is hindered by Snorunt's bad aim. Because of this, Ash constantly trains it to try to improve its use of the technique. Snorunt eventually evolves into Glalie while fighting Team Rocket.


Number: 362 Type: Ice Evolves from: Snorunt Evolves into: None

Glalie (オニゴーリ Onigōri?, Onigohri in original Japanese language versions) is known as the "Face Pokémon." It has a rock body it reinforces with a layer of diamond-like ice crystals that will not melt, even under fire. It has the ability to freely control ice by freezing moisture in any shape it wishes. It uses this to instantly freeze enemies and eat them at its leisure.

In the anime, Ash Ketchum has a Glalie while in Hoenn. It evolves from his Snorunt, and he keeps it throughout the season. Later, he leaves it at Professor Oak's lab upon returning from Hoenn.

GameDaily ranked Glalie fifth on their list of the "Top 10 Weirdest Looking Pokémon", noting it "resembles a cat wearing a skull, or a cat with aspirations of being a goalie".[21] GamesRadar named Glalie on their list of Fugly Pokémon, noting it resembles a dirty snowball crossed with an evil cat head.[22]


Number: 363 Type: Ice/ Water Evolves from: None Evolves into: Sealeo

Spheal (タマザラシ?, Tamazarashi in original Japanese language versions) is a spherical creature that rolls across ice floes because its body is not apt for swimming. Spheal, in spite of its infancy, is fully capable of living in artic-like environments. Although it is not obvious, its body is fully covered in a layer of plushy fur that feels fluffy to the touch. This is surprisingly good at insulating Spheal against the cold when it is rolling about on ice floes or diving into the sea, for it apparently never feels the cold at all. When groups of Spheal eat, they instinctively show their pleasure by clapping and making other noises.


Number: 364 Type: Ice/ Water Evolves from: Spheal Evolves into: Walrein

Sealeo (トドグラー Todogurā?, Todoggler in original Japanese language versions) lives in herds among the ice floes of Arctic regions, and these herds consist of both itself and its other evolutionary forms Spheal and Walrein. Its flippers are quite powerful: they are strong enough to shatter ice with well-placed flaps. Five times a day, Sealeo dives into the sea to hunt prey.

Sealeo’s behavior revolves mostly around its sensitive nose; Sealeo uses it to investigate new things. It lifts new objects up with its nose, and rolls them around. While rolling an object, Sealeo checks the object’s aroma and texture in order to learn about it. This is what it does to differentiate food from anything else, making it a vital ability for survival. However, Sealeo also takes a liking to balancing and spinning a younger Spheal on its nose for entertainment.


Number: 365 Type: Ice/ Water Evolves from: Sealeo Evolves into: None

Walrein (トドゼルガ Todozeruga?, Todoseruga in original Japanese language versions) is among the few fully evolved Pokémon that live in functional communities, down in glacial environments, made of members of its pre-evolved forms Spheal and Sealeo as well as itself. Although it evolves from Seal Pokémon, it is more Walrus than its pre-evolutions. The Walrein are the dominant members of their society, protecting their groups from attackers with their large strong tusks. These tusks are strong enough to thoroughly shatter blocks of ice weighing ten tons. When alone in the Arctic seas, Walrein’s thick blubber insulates it from the extreme cold of sub-zero temperature water, and it uses its tusks to clear its way as it swims through ice floes. The blubber is also resilient enough to make enemy attacks such as bites bounce off relatively harmlessly.


Number: 366 Type: Water Evolves from: None Evolves into: Huntail or Gorebyss

Clamperl (パールル Pāruru?, Pearlulu in original Japanese language versions) is protected by a sturdy shell. Once in a lifetime, it makes a magnificent pearl. This pearl, created upon evolution, is said to be infused with a mysterious energy and is used by Spoink as a focus for its psychic abilities (A symbiotic behavior similar to that of Mantine and Remoraid or Shellder and Slowpoke). Clamperl grows while being protected by its rock-hard shell. When its body becomes too large to fit inside the shell, it is sure evidence that it is getting close to evolution. However its shell is not only good for protection—it is also used for clamping and catching prey. A fully grown Clamperl's shell will be scored with nicks and scratches all over.

Clamperl first appeared in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, and can evolve into two different forms through trading via the Game Boy Advance's Game Link Cable, depending on which of two different items it is holding-Gorebyss with the Deepseascale, or Huntail with the Deepseatooth. One of these items are chosen by the player by Captain Stern after you give him the item "Scanner" found on the Abandoned Ship.


Number: 367 Type: Water Evolves from: Clamperl Evolves into: None

Huntail (ハンテール Hantēru?) went mostly unnoticed because it lives at extreme depths of the sea. Huntail’s body is built to withstand the adverse living conditions in the deep sea that challenge even the best-made human craft. The water pressure is high enough to be labeled crushing, but Huntail withstands it by having a body with a very thick and sturdy spine. Its eyes are suited for life far under the sea as well; they can see clearly even in the murky dark depths of the ocean. Huntail carries bioluminescence, which it uses when hunting prey. It lights up the eye-like textures on its tail and wiggles it to deceive prey into thinking they have found a fish to eat. Then Huntail attacks and attempts to swallow the prey whole with its gaping mouth. It prefers smaller prey since its body and stomach are rather thin.

A GamesRadar editor stated that she likes Huntail and called it "creepy".[23]


Number: 368 Type: Water Evolves from: Clamperl Evolves into: None

Gorebyss (サクラビス Sakurabisu?, Sakurabyss in original Japanese language versions) inhabits the southern seas at extreme depths. Its body is deceptively durable, so as to withstand the extreme hydrostatic pressures exercised to it at such a depth. Gorebyss's elegant form is exquisite to behold while swimming. Gorebyss uses its thin mouth to pick at seaweed growing between rocks, but it can also use it in a much more sinister fashion. When hunting live prey, it sticks its mouth into the prey's body and proceeds to drain it of all bodily fluids. After it feeds in this way, its body turns a more vivid pink.


Number: 369 Type: Water/ Rock Does not evolve

Relicanth (ジーランス Jīransu?, Glanth in original Japanese language versions) is a rare but accessible Pokémon, as it inhabits the deep ocean floor. Once thought to be extinct, it was discovered in an exploration mission of the sea abyss. Relicanth proved to be extremely well adapted to its environment; so much so, that according to researchers in the Pokémon world, it has not changed form in 100,000,000 years. Relicanth's body is covered in rock-like scales which are tough enough to withstand the enormous hydrostatic pressures exercised on it at such extreme depths, as is the case with other dwellers of the abyss. It uses its multiple pectoral fins as a means of locomotion across the sea bed. It is based on the real fish, the Coelacanth.


Number: 370 Type: Water Does not evolve

Luvdisc (ラブカス Rabukasu?, Lovecus in original Japanese language versions) lives on masses in shallow seas in the tropics. Luvdisc nests in both coral reefs and the branches of the coral-like Corsola Pokémon. During the spawning season, countless Luvdisc congregate at coral reefs, turning the waters pink. Luvdisc are said to shoot water at other Luvdisc to show a sign of love. It is a long held custom to give a Luvdisc to someone to express feelings of love. The Japanese name is a portmanteau of "Love" and "Discus", after the discus fish.

In the anime, Misty and her sister Daisy have two Luvdisc called Luverin and Caserin, in the episode Luvdisc is a Many Splendored Thing. Luverin tries to show Caserin that it likes her, but it is always rejected. But when they are captured by Team Rocket grunts Cassidy and Butch, they work together to get out and they end up falling in love.

Readers for IGN resulted in Luvdisc being ranked as the fourth worst Pokémon of all time. IGN's Jack DeVries wrote that "Luvdisc has sparked so man[y] "Worst Pokemon Ever" lists that we could run a "Top 10 Luvdisc Haters" as its own feature." He listed other flaws of it such as its heart shape, it being a "filler Water Type", and its "absolutely useless[ness]".[24] named Luvdisc the third "Lamest Pokémon" in the franchise, describing it as one of the "filler Pokémon" for the games and adding "...we'll just go on making fun of whoever thought a heart-shaped Pokémon was a good idea".[25]'s Michael Vreeland called it "oft-derided".[26] The Escapist's John Funk speculated that Alomomola was the evolution of Luvdisc and that Luvdisc was "perhaps the single dumbest-looking Pokemon of all time".[27] IGN's Pokémon Chick called the designers "blasphemous" for how low its stats were and wrote that "it looks REALLY stupid".[28] wrote that it was "inordinately fun to rip on because it sucks so bad in every sense of the word".[29] An IGN editor wrote that we should "just forget Luvdisc even exists".[30] In IGN's description of their Pokémon Face-Off, they wrote "who is the best? We don't know, but it sure as hell isn't Luvdisc".[31] Early in its reveal, the Pokémon Alomomola was thought to be the evolution of Luvdisc.[26]


Number: 371 Type: Dragon Evolves from: None Evolves into: Shelgon

Bagon (タツベイ Tatsubei?, Tatsubay in original Japanese language versions) is a small blue reptilian Pokémon. They are bipedal and are entirely tailless and wingless. Despite being wingless, Bagon harbor a never-ending dream of being able to fly and can often be seen slamming their heads against huge rocks and throwing themselves off cliffs. As a result of their failed attempts at flying, Bagons' heads have grown harder than tempered steel.


Number: 372 Type: Dragon Evolves from: Bagon Evolves into: Salamence

Shelgon (コモルー Komorū?, Komoruu in original Japanese language versions) cells are continually changing to prepare for evolution into Salamence. Even though this Pokémon's shell is heavy, it makes up for it by drawing in its stubby legs and rolling around. This shell is very thick and strong, similar to bones. The shell protects disruption of its internal cell development. When it is finally ready for evolution, its shell sheds instantly. While in this stage of its evolution, Shelgon fasts in order to grow hardier from hunger. It grows tired easily due to its lack of food and its heavy shell weighing it down.


Number: 373 Type: Dragon/ Flying Evolves from: Shelgon Evolves into: None

Salamence (ボーマンダ Bōmanda?, Bohmander), known as the Dragon Pokémon, evolves from Shelgon when it gains enough experience from battle. They are quadrupedal dragons with blue skin and large, red wings. Salamence longed for these wings ever since it was a young Bagon. Because of its powerful desire for wings, it eventually obtained them through evolution.[32] It expresses the joy of having wings by flying around the sky shooting flames.[33] Salamence are not always happy, and can rampage out of control when angered.[34] While rampaging, it burns everything, and claws it to shreds.[35]

Salamence was obtainable at a Nintendo promotional event in which it was given out to players. In the anime, Salamence was first seen in the Pokémon movie, Jirachi: Wish Maker. It is later seen being used by Silver, Drake of the Elite Four, and J. In Pokémon Adventures, the character Ruby battled a Salamence that attacked him and Sapphire while the two were playing outside. After being defeated by Ruby, the Salamence went on a rampage and destroyed a lab, freeing Rayquaza, which was in captivity at that time. This resulted in Norman being banned from the Gym Leader test for seven years. This encounter changed both Ruby and Sapphire, causing Ruby to battle less, and Sapphire to battle more.


Number: 374 Type: Steel/ Psychic Evolves from: None Evolves into: Metang

Beldum (ダンバル Danbaru?, Dumbbell in original Japanese language versions) is a Pokémon found in a swarm on Route 228. It lacks a circulatory system of blood. Instead, it is powered by a strong magnetic force. It can exert magnetic forces from its body in order to communicate with others of its species, and can even communicate with brain waves. Beldum move together in a synchronized pattern, attracted by the magnetism of one another. They can repel Earth's natural magnetism with their own, allowing them to levitate. Beldum live on cliffs by planting their leg into the cliff-rock. The player is given one in Mossdeep City, after beating the game.

In the anime, a Beldum is owned by the rival trainer Morrison, in the episode "Less is Morrison". It was defeated by Ash's Pikachu.


Number: 375 Type: Steel/ Psychic Evolves from: Beldum Evolves into: Metagross

Metang (メタング Metangu?) is formed from two Beldum merging to form a Metang (although there is no visible evidence of this in either the anime or the video games. In the only anime episode to date showing a Beldum evolution, Saved by the Beldum, when Morrison's Beldum evolves into Metang, it "creates" another Beldum and newly developed main body to evolve, instead of fusing with another Beldum. Likewise, if a Metang evolution is shown, it is highly unlikely it would involve two Metang evolving together). Both Beldums' brains in a Metang are linked by a network of magnetic impulses, making Metang quite intelligent. The Beldum only manifest as the arms and eyes of the Metang; some other material must make up the head. With both Beldums' magnetic fields combined, Metang's abilities manifest as telekinesis. Its telekinetic power allows it to hover a short distance above the ground, as well as fly at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour.

Metang doesn't rely entirely on its magnetic telekinesis, however, as it already has a portion of the durability and strength of Metagross, and can survive everything from collisions to plane crashes to explosions. Metang's claws can rip through tempered steel.


Number: 376 Type: Steel/ Psychic Evolves from: Metang Evolves into: None

Metagross (メタグロス Metagurosu?) is comprised by two Metang forming together. Each leg is the body of a former Beldum, and its head/body is the four collective heads of Beldum used to fuse into it. Metagross's intelligence is extraordinarily high: not only does it have four minds, but they are also connected by a highly complex neural network, which is nowadays a more accurate measure of the capacity for intelligence than the net amount of brain tissue. Its developed cerebral powers are said to surpass even those of a supercomputer, making it superintelligent on par with Alakazam from Generation I. Metagross mostly relies on its massive strength. It can also use psychic abilities, including the ability to render its massive body airborne by telekinesis once it draws its legs together (Magnet Rise). This Pokémon lives in mountainous areas. It can easily live comfortably on very steep slopes by planting its legs into rock or ground. According to the 3rd Generation games' data, Metagross is also a brutal predator. When hunting, it pins its prey to the ground under its massive body. It then eats the helpless victim using its large mouth on its underside.

Metagross makes an appearance in Super Smash Bros. Brawl as a Poké Ball Pokémon and a trophy. When released, it uses the move Earthquake, sending opponents flying, or driving them into the ground.

Official Nintendo Magazine named Metagross one of the ten best Pokémon in the game as of 2010, stating it "when it comes to getting the job done you can't question its ability".[36]


Number: 377 Type: Rock Does not evolve

Regirock (レジロック Rejirokku?) is a legendary Pokémon in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald that can only be caught in the Desert Ruins once in each game. It was sealed there long before the series. It can also be found inside of a cave in Pokémon Ranger. It was obtainable in Platinum at the cave just south of Stark Mountain only if the special Regigigas from the eleventh movie event was transferred to the Platinum game. Being made completely out of rock, it has no brain or heart, which baffles the scientists of the Pokémon universe as to how it can survive without them. Regirock along with its brothers Regice and Registeel often fill guardian roles; they are normally guarding their king, Regigigas, but they also have been seen at The Tree of Beginning, and guarding Mew. The various rocks that it is composed of come from different locations. If damaged in battle, it will repair itself with rocks it finds nearby. Regirock, along with the other Regis, is used by Pyramid King Brandon in Pokémon Emerald and in the anime adaption. A second set of Regis appear in Lucario and the Mystery of Mew. Regirock has colossal Defense.


Number: 378 Type: Ice Does not evolve

Regice (レジアイス Rejiaisu?) is a legendary Pokémon in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire and Pokémon Emerald that can only be caught in the Island Cave once in each game. It can also be found inside a cave in Pokémon Ranger. It was obtainable in Pokémon Platinum at the Mt. Coronet exit at Route 216 only if the special Regigigas from the eleventh movie event was transferred to the Platinum game. Regice's body was made during an ice age. Scientists have discovered that the ice on Regice's body is the same ice found in the South Pole. It cannot be melted, even if hit by fire or placed in magma. It also controls air of -328 degrees Fahrenheit (-164.4 degrees Celsius.) Regice's Special Defense is the second highest amongst all Pokémon, losing only to Shuckle.[37]


Number: 379 Type: Steel Does not evolve

Registeel (レジスチル Rejisuchiru?) is a legendary Pokémon in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire and Pokémon Emerald that can only be caught in the Ancient Tomb once in each game. It can also be found inside a cave in Pokémon Ranger. It was obtainable in Pokémon Platinum On Iron Island only if the special Regigigas from the eleventh movie event was transferred to the Platinum game. It has a hollow body made out of a mysterious metal that is harder than any metal on Earth, yet very flexible and able to shrink and stretch accordingly. This is from being underground for tens of thousands of years. No one, not even scientists, has any idea what Registeel eats or if it eats at all. Registeel has incredible Special Defense and Defense in Pokémon Emerald.[37]


Number: 380 Type: Dragon/ Psychic Does not evolve


Number: 381 Type: Dragon/Psychic Does not evolve


Number: 382 Type: Water Does not evolve

Kyogre (カイオーガ Kaiōga?, Kaiorga) is one of a trio of legendary Pokémon, alongside Groudon and Rayquaza. Kyogre represents Pokémon Sapphire and appears on the cover art for the game. Kyogre represents the primal force of the oceans; as such, it has the power to bring forth storms, constant rain and massive floods. It is part of the creation myth of the Pokémon world. According to legend, a titanic battle between it and Groudon created the oceans and the land, and the two were sealed beneath their respective elements. Despite being the creator of the oceans, Kyogre still came and helped Manaphy when it needed help as any other regular Pokémon would. It is a Water-type with the ability Drizzle, which makes the weather rainy until another weather move is used or a Pokémon with another weather altering ability is switched in.

In Pokémon Sapphire, Team Aqua tries to awaken and control Kyogre. It is awakened by a Red orb that the group actively seeks. They eventually awaken Kyogre, but they are stopped by the player in the video game. Kyogre made its first movie appearance in the ninth Pokémon movie, Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea. In the movie, Kyogre helps Ash, May, Pikachu, and Manaphy to protect the Sea Temple and defeat The Phantom. Kyogre has also made appearances in the series, in the episodes "Gaining Groudon" and "The Scuffle of Legends."

Kyogre is a Poké Ball Pokémon in the non-Pokémon-exclusive game Super Smash Bros. Brawl. If the player releases Kyogre from a Poké Ball, the opponents are blasted with Hydro Pump, pushing them off the screen. This water does not harm the opponent. If the opponent touches Kyogre, however, the opponent will receive damage.

In Pokémon Ranger, it serves as an additional boss when water Pokémon wreak havok in a city. Also, it appears as an additional boss in all Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games.


Number: 383 Type: Ground Does not evolve

Groudon (グラードン Gurādon?) is one of a trio of legendary Pokémon, alongside Kyogre and Rayquaza, that represents Pokémon Ruby and appears on its cover art. In the legend surrounding the three, Groudon represents the land, while Kyogre and Rayquaza represent the sea and the sky, respectively. Groudon, representing land, raised lands and expanded continents in legends and myths. Coming as a savior for humans suffering from floods caused by Kyogre, it can dissipate clouds, and evaporate water with light and heat. After a titanic battle with Kyogre, it went to sleep in underground magma, causing volcanoes to erupt when it awakes. It is a Ground-type with the Drought ability, which makes the weather sunny until another weather move is used or a Pokémon with another weather-altering ability is switched in. At 2094 lbs, Groudon is the heaviest of all known Pokémon; originally, Groudon was even heavier, at 2,095 lbs.

Groudon first appears in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald along with Kyogre and Rayquaza. Pokémon Ruby focuses on Team Magma awakening Groudon to take over the world with a Blue Orb, while Pokémon Emerald has both Groudon and Kyogre awake. The anime follows a similar structure, where both Pokémon are awakened, and forced to battle by Team Magma and Team Aqua. This is foiled by Ash Ketchum and Lance, and Groudon and Kyogre return to their respective elements after calling a truce. Groudon also plays a pseudo-role in the sixth Pokémon movie, Jirachi Wishmaker, where an evil being in the form of a Groudon is formed from the energy of Jirachi.

Groudon appears in Super Smash Bros. Brawl as a Pokémon that can be released from a Poké Ball thrown by the player. In the game, any player (except the one who threw the Poké Ball containing it) that touches Groudon will burst into flames and take high amounts of damage. It also appears in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games. In the Red and Blue Rescue Team games, it kidnaps Alakazam's rescue team and the hero and their partner must defeat Groudon to rescue Alakazam and his partners Charizard and Tyranitar. In the Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky games, it appears as an illusion created by Uxie to scare off intruders (such as the hero and his/her partner) from the Fogbound Lake and protect the Time Gear hidden there, While also being an additional Boss.


Number: 384 Type: Dragon/Flying Does not evolve


Number: 385 Type: Steel/Psychic Does not evolve

Jirachi (ジラーチ Jirāchi?) a legendary Pokémon that first appeared in a download from a Nintendo GameCube bonus disc for the Nintendo games Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. It possesses telepathic and telekinetic abilities, including the ability to levitate. Jirachi hibernates for periods of one thousand years in a crystalline cocoon. When it wakes up, it grants wishes for a week. If it is ever in danger, it will fight its attacker, but not awaken from its slumber. After one thousand years have elapsed, Jirachi awakens from its sleep for one week if it is sung to in a pure voice. During this period, it is able to make wishes, by using the attack Teleport. If a message is inscribed onto one of the "tags" on Jirachi's head, it will fulfill those wishes. After it fulfills the wishes, Jirachi returns to hibernation in a newly formed cocoon, waiting another thousand years for its next master's wish. Jirachi's signature move is Doom Desire.

Jirachi are given away every year in celebration of Tanabata.[38][39]

Jirachi is one of the primary characters of the 6th Pokémon Movie, Jirachi Wish Maker.[40] Tomiko Suzuki, in her final role, portrayed the character in the original Japanese version. Jirachi awakens for seven days, awaiting a wish to be granted. It soon befriends Max, and travels with him until it is used to create an evil being in the form of a Groudon. It absorbs the power used to create the beast, and returns to sleep.

Jirachi also appears in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, as a Pokémon that can be released from a Pokéball. It will drop stickers on the stage before disappearing. After the fight ends, a screen will show up that says that you have seen Jirachi for the first time if, during the game, you have never sent out Jirachi before. It will then give you a trophy in the trophy room. It is voiced in Super Smash Bros. Brawl by Mayumi Iizuka and Michele Knotz.



  1. ^ Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire Review (page 1) URL Accessed June 1, 2006.
  2. ^ Game Freak. Pokémon Pearl. (Nintendo). Nintendo DS. (2007-04-22) "On sunny days, it lands on beaches to bounce like a ball and play."
  3. ^ a b Game Freak. Pokémon Diamond. (Nintendo). Nintendo DS. (2007-04-22) "No two Spinda have the same pattern of spots. Its tottering step fouls the aim of foes."
  4. ^ Game Freak. Pokémon Ruby. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2003-03-17) "All the Spinda that exist in the world are said to have utterly unique spot patterns. The shaky, tottering steps of this Pokémon give it the appearance of dancing."
  5. ^ Padilla, Raymond (2009-03-17). "Junichi Masuda & Takeshi Kawachimaru Talk 'Pokémon Platinum', Particle Physics, Bridges, And More!". G4. Retrieved 2009-06-06. 
  6. ^ Game Freak. Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. (Nintendo). Nintendo DS. (2007-04-22)
  7. ^ Padilla, Raymond (2007-10-25). "Pokemusings, week 20, page 4". GamesRadar. Future Publishing. Retrieved 2010-03-09. 
  8. ^ Whiscash Sprites, Bulbapedia.
  9. ^ a b Pokémon Ruby Pokédex entry.
  10. ^ Pokémon FireRed/LeafGreen Pokédex entry.
  11. ^ Pokémon Emerald Pokédex entry.
  12. ^ Pokémon Sapphire Pokédex entry.
  13. ^ Game Freak. Pokémon Emerald. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2005-05-01) "It is a hardy POKéMON that can thrive in any environment."
  14. ^ Game Freak. Pokémon Emerald. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2005-05-01) "A veteran CRAWDAUNT that has prevailed in hundreds of battles has giant pincers marked with countless scars."
  15. ^ "Pokemon Ruby Version Pokemon of the Day: Claydol (#344) - IGN FAQs". Retrieved 2010-06-09. 
  16. ^ "Fugly Pokemon". GamesRadar. Future Publishing. Retrieved 2010-03-14. 
  17. ^ "Pokemon Ruby Version Pokemon of the Day: Banette (#354) - IGN FAQs". Retrieved 2010-06-09. 
  18. ^ Game Freak. Pokémon Emerald. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2005-05-01) "It is a nocturnal POKéMON that roams about under the cloak of darkness."
  19. ^ "Pokemon Ruby Version Pokemon of the Day: Absol (#359) - IGN FAQs". Retrieved 2010-06-09. 
  20. ^ Game Freak. Pokémon HeartGold. (Nintendo). Nintendo DS. (2010-03-14) "It tends to move in a pack. Individuals squash into each other to toughen their spirits."
  21. ^ Buffa, Chris. "Top 10 Weirdest Looking Pokémon". GameDaily. AOL. Archived from the original on 2011-05-09. Retrieved 2009-06-09. 
  22. ^ "Fugly Pokemon". GamesRadar. Future Publishing. Retrieved 2010-03-14. 
  23. ^
  24. ^
  25. ^ Bailey, Kat. "Top 5 Lamest Pokémon". UGO Networks. Retrieved 2009-06-09. 
  26. ^ a b
  27. ^
  28. ^
  29. ^
  30. ^
  31. ^
  32. ^ Game Freak. Pokémon Ruby. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2003-03-17) "Salamence came about as a result of a strong, long-held dream of growing wings. It is said that this powerful desire triggered a sudden mutation in this Pokémon's cells, causing it to sprout its magnificent wings."
  33. ^ Game Freak. Pokémon Sapphire. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2003-03-17) "By evolving into Salamence, this Pokémon finally realizes its long-held dream of growing wings. To express its joy, it flies and wheels all over the sky while spouting flames from its mouth."
  34. ^ Game Freak. Pokémon Emerald. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2005-05-01) "After many long years, its cellular structure underwent a sudden mutation to grow wings. When angered, it loses all thought and rampages out of control."
  35. ^ Game Freak. Pokémon FireRed. (Nintendo). Game Boy Advance. (2004-09-07) "It becomes uncontrollable if enraged. It destroys everything with shredding claws and fire."
  36. ^ Chris Scullion (24-Apr-2010). "Nintendo Feature: 10 Best Pokémon - Official Nintendo Magazine". Official Nintendo Magazine. Retrieved 2010-09-23. 
  37. ^ a b Pokémon Emerald Version Prima Game Guide
  38. ^ "Jirachi giveaway details revealed - Bulbanews". 2007-06-15. Retrieved 2011-04-05. 
  39. ^ (now dead; archive, translation)
  40. ^ Official website for Jirachi Wishmaker (flash). URL accessed on May 29, 2007.

External links